WHNT: FlyQuest organizers hold Fly-in to honor and inspire women in aviation

Posted March 8, 2015, Huntsville, Ala. by Kristen Conner

FlyQuest inspiring women to fly

Huntsville, Ala. (WHNT) – Organizers of a Huntsville aviation event held this weekend want to inspire women and girls to fly.

330 people came to the Madison County Executive Airport for the second annual FlyQuest Women of Aviation Fly-in/Drive-in on Saturday.

Young boys and girls were excited to take a ride in small planes, and take a look at a MedFlight helecopter and military aircraft. Guests and their families got to mingle with pilots, air traffic controllers, and skydivers. The event was all about promoting careers in aviation.

“Women can do just as much as the guys can,” explained Ramona Banks, Operational Director of FlyQuest. “The population of female pilots to men pilots is like six percent, and so [let’s] get more women out there flying for the commercial airlines and for private like we do.”

We also spoke with children who enjoyed their time in the air. “The fact that it was a small plane made it more exciting,” said Nives Myers. “You could see more, you get a view up front and you get to put on the headsets and talk to each other through the microphones!”

Other children said that from above, it was cool to see how everything down below looked so small. Event organizers say it’s that kind of wonder that still keeps them going back up in the air, too.